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Laboratory programme

SEAD / What we offer / Laboratory programme

Laboratory programme

SEAD enables accurate testing by training personnel to do point-of-care testing effectively and by improving the clinic-laboratory-interface. Our services ensure that patients are able to receive appropriate health tests at public healthcare sites, and that the results of these tests are produced timeously and can be actioned accordingly.


We ensure that the working relationship between the clinic and the laboratory is continuous and high quality.

Our field staff work with clinical personnel at the clinic and district level to make sure that they have access to the right consumables to undertake pathology tests

We ensure that they are appropriately trained on how to register a patient, undertake the test and collect and dispatch the specimen.

When the test is returned to the clinic, we make sure that clinic personnel know how to receive, file and communicate the results to the patient.

Point-of-care testing

Point of care tests are simplified laboratory tests in the hands of non-laboratory people and are the first test for assessing a patient’s HIV status. We train medical personnel at primary healthcare facilities on how to effectively use testing kits to get accurate results.